Veterans Bingo Hall
- Charlotte Hall Veterans Home is a program within the Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs and is the only veterans home in the State of Maryland. The Home is a 454-bed facility providing a continuum of care from the 168-bed Assisted Living unit to a higher level of care in the 286-Skilled Nursing Home. Charlotte Hall Veterans Home also provides services for eligible spouses who are unable.
- Come up with a hobby all your own when you explore all of the ins and outs of Philadelphia's Veterans Bingo Hall. You'll love all of the great memorabilia offered at Veterans Bingo Hall's great shop. Have fun bingo night in with the help of a bingo set from Veterans Bingo Hall. Have a fun-filled night with the board puzzles and card games that you can pick up while you're here.Patrons of.
- Stoughton VFW Post 328. The Wisconsin VFW Mother Post. The Wisconsin Veterans of Foreign Wars has a rich tradition of serving veterans, military families and their local communities.
Veterans Service Organization Vets Amvets Veterans Military Membership Reserve Active Duty Veterans Benefits Programs Auxiliary Vfw Tacoma Wa Va Forms Bingo Lounge Hall Rentals Dinning Web Results.
Reminder- For your safety and good health- Masks are mandatory.
While you are walking around the hall & sitting at the tables the only time you can have mask off.
It will be enforced.
If you don’t wear them at all times you will be asked to leave the building.
Per Hudson Bingo Hall
• Under current guidelines we are restricted to 50% capacity
• Because each bingo operator needs to monitor a head count of players so as not to exceed that 50% figure, there will be only one point of entry into the Hall; Signage will direct you to that doorway
• Everyone will be required to wear a mask except, of course, when eating
• Please do not loiter in the lobby waiting for your food order. You will be paged when it’s ready
• Per Gov. Sununu’s rules, indoor smoking will not be permitted for the near term. You may, of course, exit the building at any time for a smoke then come back in at the aforementioned point of entry
While we are excited about reopening and welcoming you back, we ask that you NOT return to Veterans Bingo Hall if you fall under the following conditions:
• You have a fever, or
• You exhibit any of the following symptoms: Sore throat, cough, fatigue, headache, chills, muscle aches, a new loss of taste or smell or diarrhea, or
• You have a history of travel within the prior 14 days, or
• You have been in close contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19
With all that said, we will be operating on a limited schedule:
• Wed – Thurs – Fri: when the games begin at 6:45 and door opens at 4:00
• Sun: when the games begin at 3:00 and the door opens at NOON
• 2nd Saturday: when the games begin at 6:00 and the door opens at 3:00
Veterans Bingo Hall Shreveport
Thank you for your patience and understanding. And good luck to all!